Tag Question করার সকল সহজ ও ব্যতিক্রম নিয়ম একসাথে | Tag question Rules & Exercises in Bangla

Tag question কি কেন? কিভাবে করবেন

নবম-দশম শ্রেণি/ SSC, বিসিএস প্রিলি পরীক্ষা, সরকারি, বেসরকারি চাকরির পরীক্ষা ও অন্যান্য সকল প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষার জন্য Tag Question এর এই নোট টি খুবই গুরত্বপূর্ণ।

Tag শব্দের আভিধানিক অর্থ হল জুড়ে দেয়া। অর্থাৎ বাক্যের শেষে শ্রোতার সম্মতি বা অসম্মতি জানার জন্য যে সংক্ষিপ্ত প্রশ্ন জুড়ে দেওয়া হয় তাকে Tag Question বলে। যেমনঃ

Riya is a regular student, isn’t she?-রিয়া একজন নিয়মিত ছাত্রী, তাই নয় কি?

Tag Question এর উত্তর করার সময় যে নিয়মগুলো মনে রাখতে হবে।

মূল বাক্যটি হ্যাঁ বোধক হলে Tag অংশ অবশ্যই না বোধক হবে। আর মূল বাক্যটি না বোধক হলে Tag অংশ অবশ্যই হ্যাঁ বোধক হবে।

মূল বাক্যে auxiliary verb থাকলে ঐ auxiliary verb টি Tag অংশে চলে যাবে। কিন্তু মূল বাক্যে auxiliary verb না থাকলে মুল verb এর রুপ অনুযায়ী Tag অংশে Do verb (do/did/does) বসবে।

মূল বাক্যে কোন ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর নাম থাকলে Tag অংশে ঐ ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর পরিবর্তে তার Pronoun বসবে। কিন্তু মূল বাক্যটিতে যদি নাম না থেকে আগে থেকেই Pronoun থাকে তাহলে সেই Pronoun টি ই বসবে।

সব শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন (?) অবশ্যই দিতে হবে। প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন না দিলে উত্তর ভুল হবে।

Tag question এর সম্পূর্ণ নোট বা শীট টি দেখে নিন

Sentence connectors  এর ব্যবহার ও সকল নিয়মাবলী পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

Important Tag question exercise with Answers

  1. Nothing is impossible, is it?
  2. I think everybody knows it, don’t they?
  3. The idle always lag behind, don’t they?
  4. Let’s motivate them, shall we?
  5. Motivation seldom goes in vain, does it?
  6. Congratulations, you have made an excellent result, haven’t you?
  7. Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, don’t they?
  8. We ought to remain grateful them, oughtn’t we?
  9. You too studied hard, didn’t you?
  10. It is our duty to study in a disciplined way, isn’t it?
  11. Let us start our journey, shall we?
  12. They used to play football in the afternoon, didn’t they?
  13. Nobody should laugh at the blind.  Should they?
  14. There is nothing for her to eat, is there?
  15. Mina had better to stay at home, hadn’t she?
  16. You aren’t doing the work, are you?
  17. Somebody left their house yesterday, didn’t they?
  18. What a beautiful day it is, isn’t it?
  19. A cat catches a mouse, doesn’t it?
  20. Bangladesh is our motherland, isn’t she?
  21. Something is burning, isn’t it?
  22. Rahim as well as his friends was present, wasn’t he?
  23. He did it, didn’t he?
  24. I know nothing about him, do I?
  25. Let’s arrange a class party, shall we?
  26. The moon shines at night, doesn’t she?
  27. Everybody loves flower, don’t they?
  28. Nothing can satisfy him, can it?
  29. He has few reasons for waiting, has he?
  30. That was my pen, wasn’t it/ that?
  31. Nobody believes a liar, do they?
  32. We have to study English, haven’t we?
  33. Let her solve the matter, will you?
  34. You had better leave now, hadn’t you?
  35. We ought to love our motherland, oughtn’t we?
  36. Look at this paper, will you?
  37. Let’s phone, shall we?
  38. It is a beautiful afternoon, isn’t it?
  39. Let’s go out for a walk, shall we?
  40. The police arrested him, didn’t they?
  41. Both are responsible, aren’t they?
  42. Let’s take an oath today, shall we?
  43. This is the right way to do it, isn’t this?
  44. Life is very busy in the big cities, isn’t it?
  45. We needed a change in thoughts, didn’t we?
  46. Let us make them realize it, shall we?
  47. Man is a social being, isn’t he?
  48. He cannot live alone, can he?
  49. It is man, who pollutes his environment, isn’t it?
  50. Every mother loves her child, don’t they?
  51. Don’t forget me, will you?
  52. My father and I are happy, aren’t we?
  53. Men should not tell a lie, should they?
  54. We live in Bangladesh, don’t we?
  55. The weather was fine yesterday, wasn’t it?
  56. A barking dog seldom bites, doesn’t it?
  57. A good student is always attentive to his study, isn’t he?
  58. A lie never lies hidden for long, does it?
  59. Arif read a story book yesterday, didn’t he?
  60. Arif’s performance is praiseworthy, isn’t it?
  61. Bangladesh is a small country, isn’t she?
  62. Birds cannot swim, can they?
  63. Birds fly, don’t they?
  64. Bring me a book, will you?
  65. Each of the boys got a prize, don’t they?
  66. Education broadens the mind, doesn’t it?
  67. Either you or your brother came here, didn’t you?
  68. Every mother loves her child, don’t they?
  69. Everybody is liable to error, aren’t they?
  70. Everything looked beautiful, didn’t they?
  71. Everything looked nice, didn’t they?
  72. Give me a glass of water, will you??
  73. Give me a hand, will you?
  74. Grammeen bank provides loan to the poor, doesn’t it?
  75. The sun having set, we reached home, didn’t we?
  76. He hit us, didn’t he?
  77. He need not go there, need he?
  78. He used to like you, didn’t he?
  79. He will play football, won’t he?
  80. He’d done the work, hadn’t he?
  81. Her mother couldn’t walk, could she?
  82. Someone has stolen his pen, haven’t they?
  83. Somebody has called, haven’t they?
  84. Somebody wanted a pen, didn’t they?
  85. Your niece looks beautiful, doesn’t she?
  86. Study attentively, will you?
  87. Susmita will sing a song, won’t she?
  88. Tell me your address, will you?
  89. The baby begins to cry, doesn’t it?
  90. The book belongs to me, doesn’t it?
  91. The dogs barks when it sees a stranger, doesn’t it?
  92. The brave fight with courage, don’t they?
  93. The earth moves round the sun, doesn’t she?
  94. The educated should be free from supersitition, shouldn’t they?
  95. The helpless should be helped, shouldn’t they?
  96. The Idle can not prosper in life, can they?
  97. The kindness of Mohsin is known to all, isn’t it?
  98. The teacher beat the boy, didn’t he?
  99. The tree has born fruits, hasn’t it?
  100. The unfed should be fed, shouldn’t they?


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