প্রাইমারি শিক্ষক নিয়োগের ইংরেজী সাজেশন ২০২৩ পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড | Primary Assistant Teacher Exam English short Suggestion 2023

প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার ৩৪০ টি বাছাই করা ইংরেজী প্রশ্ন সাজেশন পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড

প্রাইমারী সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষায় ইংরেজী ভালো করার জন্য নিচের দেওয়া ৩৪০ টি ইংরেজী প্রশ্ন, বার বার পড়ে নিন। এখান থেকে ৪-৫ টি প্রশ্ন কমন পাবেন ই। এই প্রশ্ন গুলোই ঘুরে ফিরে পরীক্ষায় আসে। এই ইংরেজী সাজেশন এর পিডিএফ ফাইল টি ডাউনলোড করে মোবাইলে ও পড়তে পারবেন এবং প্রিন্ট করতে পারবেন। প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার এই সাজেশন টি সম্পূর্ন ফ্রি তে নিচে দেওয়া লিংক থেকে ডাউনলোড করতে পারবেন।

Primary Assistant Teacher Exams 100% Working English short Suggestion

2023 PDF Download

প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার ইংরেজী

চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন

১. The Countable form of ‘laughter’ is –
ক) all of the above
খ) Laugh *
গ) a laugh
ঘ) The laugh
২. “He said that he had done the work ” The direct speech is –
ক) He said, ‘I will do the work’
খ) He said, ‘The work will be done by me
গ) He said , ‘I do the work ‘
ঘ) He said, ‘ He did the work ‘ *
৩. phosphates —to most farm lands in Bangladesh .
ক) need to be adding
খ) need to be added *
গ) need added
ঘ) need to add
৪. As the sum —- I decided to go out.
ক) was shining *
খ) have shone
গ) shine
ঘ) shines
৫. Change the voice ; who is creating this mess?
ক) Who has been created this mess?
খ) By whom has this mess been created ?
গ) By whom this mess is being created ?
ঘ) By whom is this mess being created?*
৬. The book ‘Treasure Island ‘ is by –
ক) Stevenson *
খ) James Joyce
গ) Arthur Miller
ঘ) Homer

৭. The professor was given —- to materials in the research laboratory .
ক) allusion
খ) access *
গ) excess
ঘ) time
৮. Every driver must be held — his own actions.
ক) responsible to *
খ) blamed for
গ) laiable to
ঘ) responsible for
৯. Amenable শব্দের সাথে সঠিক Proposition টি কি হবে ?
ক) with
খ) to *
গ) after
ঘ) for
১০. What is the antonym of the word ‘ unwilling’?
ক) stupid
খ) intentional *
গ) unintentional
ঘ) clever
১১. The Feminine of ‘Ram’ is –
ক) Ewe *
খ) Hind
গ) Mare
ঘ) Sow
১২. Which of the following sentence is correct ?
ক) He was hunge for murder.
খ) He was hanged for murder . *
গ) He was hunged for murder.
ঘ) He had been hung for murder.
১৩. which one is plural –
ক) Oasis
খ) Terminus
গ) Vertex
ঘ) Bureaux *
১৪. Choose the English Translation of -তুমি কি কখনো কক্সবাজার গিয়েছো?
ক) Have you gone to Cox’s Bazar?
খ) Have you ever gone Cox’s Bazar ?
গ) Have you ever been to Cox’x Bazar ? *
ঘ) Did you ever go to Cox’s Bazar ?
১৫. I have a boat made of wood . The underlined phrase is –
ক) an adverbial phrase
খ) perfect participle phrase
গ) Present participle phrase
ঘ) past participle phrase *
১৬. Mr. Atique — rather not invest that money in the stock market .
ক) must
খ) has to
গ) could
ঘ) would *
১৭. The plural of ‘Fez’ is –
ক) Fez
খ) Fezees
গ) Feezes
ঘ) Fezes *
১৮. A person who writes and edits dictionaries is called a –
ক) Lithorgrapher
খ) Topographer
গ) Lexicographer *
ঘ) Laryngographer
১৯. Which one is the correct spelling?
ক) iresistible
খ) iresistable
গ) irresistible *
ঘ) irresistable
২০. which one is the correct spelling ?
ক) Supercede
খ) Supersede *
গ) Superced
ঘ) Supersedes

২১. Ambiguous means .
ক) Eager
খ) Large
গ) Increase
ঘ) Unclear *
২২. At least one of the students ____ full marks every time.
ক) gets *
খ) have got
গ) get
ঘ) are getting
২৩. The correct spelling is —
ক) Buroucrat
খ) Beaurocrat
গ) Burocreat
ঘ) Bureaucrat *
২৪. ‘Frequency ” is
ক) Adjective
খ) Noun *
গ) Adverb
ঘ) Verb
২৫. “কোন মানুষ একা বাস করতে পারে না”- সঠিক ইংরেজি কী?
ক) No one can live alone . *
খ) None can live alone .
গ) Nobody can live alone.
ঘ) No man can live alone.
ক) contemporary : histroric
খ) present : past
গ) successor : predecesor *
ঘ) first : second
২৭. All of the people at the conference are —
ক) mathematics teachers
খ) mathematics teacher *
গ) mathematic’s teacher
ঘ) mathematic’s teacher
২৮. Choose the correct sentence :
ক) A few of the three boys got a prize
খ) Each of the three boys got a prize. *
গ) Every of the three boys got a prize.
ঘ) All of the three boys got a prize .
২৯. The synonym of “Stringent ” is –
ক) Shrill
খ) Dry
গ) Strained
ঘ) Rigorous *
৩০. The Ambassador called — the president.
ক) on *
খ) none of them
গ) at
ঘ) in
৩১. I cannot — to pay such high prices .
ক) able
খ) but
গ) try
ঘ) afford *
৩২. The lady prides herself — her beauty .
ক) about
খ) upon
গ) in *
ঘ) of
৩৩. ‘Dog Days” means –
ক) hot weather *
খ) a period of misfortune
গ) a time when dogs roam the street
ঘ) a period of being care -free
৩৪. The synonym of “Sanguine” is
ক) Cheerful *
খ) Careful
গ) Scared
ঘ) Sparkle
৩৫. which one is plural –
ক) Each *
খ) None of these
গ) Anyone
ঘ) Someone
৩৬. Choose the correctly spelt word.
ক) voluntory
খ) volantory
গ) volantary
ঘ) voluntary *

৩৭. Counsel means –
ক) Meeting
খ) Advice *
গ) Trade
ঘ) Cabinet
৩৮. ‘কর্তৃপক্ষ তাকে তিরস্কার করলো- সঠিক ইংরেজি কী?
ক) The authority took him to task *
খ) The authority criticised him
গ) The authority took him to book
ঘ) The authority gave reins to him
৩৯. What is the adjective of the word ‘ Heart”?
ক) Heartful
খ) Heartening *
গ) Heartly
ঘ) Heart
৪০. The opposite word of ‘Delete’ is –
ক) Delay
খ) Insert *
গ) Trap
ঘ) Injure
৪১. What is the noun of ‘Accept ” ?
ক) Acceptably
খ) Acceptance *
গ) Accepted
ঘ) Acceptable
৪২. The synonym of ‘crime” is –
ক) Offence *
খ) Trial
গ) Mistake
ঘ) Thief
৪৩. Rajshahi is —- sugar growing area in Bangladesh .
ক) one of the largest *
খ) largest
গ) one of the larger
ঘ) one of largest
৪৪. There is — milk in the glass.
ক) a little *
খ) a big amount
গ) much
ঘ) small
৪৫. Choose the word with correct spelling .
ক) ricieve
খ) receve
গ) receive *
ঘ) recieve
৪৬. She was blessed — a son .
ক) by
খ) for
গ) in
ঘ) with *
৪৭. English — across the world.
ক) has spoken
খ) speaks
গ) is speaking
ঘ) is spoken *
৪৮. which sentence is correct ?
ক) He does not know how to swim*
খ) He does not know to swim
গ) He do not know how to swim
ঘ) none of these
৪৯. Of the four books, the red one is the —
ক) more cheaper
খ) cheapest *
গ) cheap
ঘ) cheaper
৫০. Singular from of ‘data ‘ is ?
ক) none
খ) datum *
গ) dat
ঘ) datas
৫১. The feminine form of the word ‘Author’ is :
ক) Authoress *
খ) Authores
গ) Authors
ঘ) Authorss
৫২. The antonym of ‘Insipid’ is –
ক) exciting *
খ) sanguine
গ) cold
ঘ) dull
৫৩. ‘Deciduous’ trees are trees those-
ক) have delicious leaves
খ) lose the leaves annually *
গ) have fleshy leaves
ঘ) are extremely big
৫৪. which one is correct?
ক) One of my friends is a lawyer *
খ) One of my friends are a lawyer .
গ) One of my friends are a lawyer .
ঘ) One of my friends is a lawyer .
৫৫. BRICS প্রতিষ্ঠিত ব্যাংকের নাম –
ক) New Development Bank *
খ) Newly Development Bank
গ) BRICS Development Bank
ঘ) Developing Bank
৫৬. The passive form of ‘I know him ‘
ক) He was known to me .
খ) He is known to me *
গ) I was known to him
ঘ) He known to me
৫৭. ‘Pass away ” means .
ক) to cross
খ) disappear
গ) die *
ঘ) erase
৫৮. which one of the following words is not plural ?
ক) Men
খ) Feet
গ) Lice
ঘ) News *
৫৯. The meaning of the word ‘obese’ is –
ক) tardy
খ) obnoxious
গ) very fat *
ঘ) ugly
৬০. Karim as well as Rahim — praise
ক) deserve
খ) deserves *
গ) are deserving
ঘ) is deserving
৬২. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
ক) Remittance *
খ) Remmitence
গ) Remittence
ঘ) Remettrance
৬৩. কোনটি Present Perfect tense – এর উদাহরণ?
ক) I had the news.
খ) I shall have the news
গ) I have had the news. *
ঘ) I have the news.
৬৪. Synonym for ‘Magnificent” ?
ক) Impressive
খ) Splendid *
গ) Beautiful
ঘ) Interesting
৬৫. I would like — information , please .
ক) some *
খ) few
গ) a
ঘ) an
৬৬. “A burning question ” means –
ক) a false question
খ) an important question *
গ) Hard question
ঘ) a uncommon question
৬৭. Which one is Reflexive Pronoun?
ক) Myself *
খ) Who
গ) He
ঘ) Each
৬৮. “Bottom line” means –
ক) the end of a road
খ) the last line of a book
গ) the essential point *
ঘ) the final step
৬৯. What is the noun of ‘ deny’?
ক) Deny
খ) Deniable
গ) Refuse
ঘ) Denial *
৭০. Which one is always used as singular ?
ক) Custom
খ) Staff
গ) Horse
ঘ) Bread *
৭১. Kamal did not join the army . Here the word d’Army ‘ is –
ক) an abstract noun
খ) a common noun
গ) a collective noun *
ঘ) a material noun
৭২. The study of religion is –
ক) Phonology
খ) Etymology
গ) Theology *
ঘ) Morphology
৭৩. “Let the book be read by you” বাক্যের active form হচ্ছে-
ক) Read the book *
খ) You are to read the book
গ) Let read the book by you.
ঘ) Let the book be reading by you
৭৪. I — him only letter up to now.
ক) sent
খ) have sent *
গ) shall send
ঘ) had sent
৭৫. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
ক) parallel *
খ) paralell
গ) paralel
ঘ) parelel
৭৬. He addressed Mr. Rahman and wished him good morning বাক্যটির direct speech হবে –
ক) He said, “Good morning, Mr. Rahman”. *
খ) He said , “Good morning to Mr. Rahman .”
গ) He bade good morning to Mr. Rahman
ঘ) He said to Mr. morning, “Good morning”.
৭৭. The child cried for — mother .
ক) its *
খ) none
গ) his
ঘ) her
৭৮. ‘Ensure ‘means –
ক) Encourage
খ) Profuse
গ) Make certain *
ঘ) Make progress
৭৯. ” At home” -এর অর্থ হচ্ছে –
ক) one who has lost home
খ) try to make a home
গ) familiar with *
ঘ) home made of bricks
৮০. What kind of noun is “Girl”?
ক) Collective
খ) Material
গ) Proper
ঘ) Common *
৮১. Synonym for “Mouth watering’?
ক) Sour
খ) Delicious *
গ) Hot
ঘ) Wet
৮২. কোনটি Collective Noun?
ক) Boy
খ) Books
গ) Library *
ঘ) Month
৮৩. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
ক) Dysentry
খ) Decentry
গ) Dysentery *
ঘ) Disentery
৮৪. Which of the following sentence is correct?
ক) One of my brother is a doctor .
খ) One of my brother’s are a doctor .
গ) One of my brothers is a doctor. *
ঘ) One of my brother’s is doctor
৮৫. The ministers arrived — a decision last night.
ক) in
খ) to
গ) on *
ঘ) at
৮৬. কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
ক) Mr. Jamal is not in the committee.
খ) Mr. Jamal is not in committee.
গ) Mr. Jamal is not at the committee.
ঘ) Mr. Jamal is not on the committee. *

৮৭. The word ‘ Stagflation ‘ means –
ক) economic slow down *
খ) a disintegrating government
গ) cultural dullness
ঘ) controlled prices
৮৮. I wish you — the problem.
ক) can solve
খ) have solved
গ) shall solve
ঘ) could solve *
৮৯. He has done no wrong. The underlined word is a/an –
ক) Adjective
খ) noun *
গ) pronoun
ঘ) adverb
ক) Legislation : Assembly
খ) Book: Preface *
গ) Prelude : Overture
ঘ) Opera : Music
৯১. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
ক) Personel
খ) Personnel *
গ) Parsonale
ঘ) Parsonnel
৯২. “Obese ‘ means –
ক) Ugly
খ) Tardy
গ) Obnoxious
ঘ) Very fat *
৯৩. I spent — with the patient.
ক) sometimes
খ) sometime
গ) some time *
ঘ) some times
৯৪. We need to buy some new-
ক) furnishers
খ) furniture *
গ) furnisher
ঘ) furniture’s

৯৫. Choose the correct sentence :
ক) We were discussing totally about the matter.
খ) We were discussing about the matter
গ) We were discussing about the whole matter .
ঘ) We were discussing the matter. *
৯৬. What is the plural form of
ক) they
খ) these
গ) those
ঘ) Try your self *
৯৭. IMF .
ক) International Maritime Federation
খ) International Monetary Fund *
গ) International Marketing Forum
ঘ) International Management Federation
৯৮. Fifty kg — really a heavy weight to carry.
ক) Is*
খ) were
গ) are
ঘ) was
৯৯. “The Captain ordered the soldiers to march on ” বাক্যটির direct speech:
ক) The captain asked, “Soldiers, march on “.
খ) The Captain said, to the solders, “Please march on “.
গ) The Captain said, “Soldiers, I asked you to march on “.
ঘ) The Captain said to the soldiers, ” March on “. *
১০০. I have no pen to write-
ক) in
খ) smooth
গ) well
ঘ) with *

এখানে মোট ১০০ টি প্রশ্ন সাজেশন দেওয়া হলো, সব গুলো প্রশ্ন একসাথে পেতে নিচের লিংক থেকে

পিডিএফ ফাইল টি ডাউনলোড করে নিন। 

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Titleইংরেজী সাজেশন
Size1.59 MB
Number of Pages24
Categoriesসকল প্রাইমারি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান
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? প্রয়োজনীয় মূর্হুতে ?খুঁজে পেতে শেয়ার করে রাখুন.! আপনার প্রিয় মানুষটিকে “send as message”এর মাধ্যমে শেয়ার করুন।

হয়তো এই গুলো তার অনেক কাজে লাগবে এবং উপকারে আসবে।


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